Putting the cot up

So F is 6 months now, and still in our room. Today we FINALLY put up the cot to go into what will be his and J’s room. We currently live in a 2 bed maisonette, so space is most definitely at a premium! But the prospect of him moving out of our room fills me with both dread and relief at the same time. Dread that he is growing up so fast and before I know it he won’t be my little baby any more! And relief, because we will finally have our room back again (selfish I know, but his crib takes up so much room!!)

I have my weigh in at weight watchers tonight and I’ve pumped enough today that means I can even stay for the meeting. Really hopeful that I’ve lost more weight, so fingers crossed. 

Today I’m wearing: jeggings and a studded black jumper. 

Today I’m eating: turkey fajitas with romaine lettuce wraps. 

Tonight I’ll be watching: The Secret Life of the Zoo. I love it!!

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